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Buy is the best way to find classic motor cars for sale around the world.

Our easy to use website allows you to search and locate the cars quickly and communicate directly with the sellers.

From the 1800’s Horseless Carriage, through the Veteran, Vintage, Post Vintage, era’s including, Antique, Brass and Edwardian automobiles, on to the Prewar Cars, of the 1930’s, then the Postwar Cars, of the 1940’s 50’s, 60’s, 70’s. The modern era of the 80’s Classics up to Classic Supercars of today. We also have Classic Competition Cars, Classic Sports Cars, Custom Cars, Hotrod Cars, Muscle Cars, Tuned Cars, Race Cars, Modified Cars, Barn Finds, Concours Show Cars, American, European, Japanese Cars. Any car that has value to you as a ‘treasured car’.


Sensible Guidelines

There are some basic steps you should take before you buy a valuable motorcar:

  • 1. Do your research. Ask your friends in the classic car community if they know the individual or company you’re dealing with?
  • 2. Join a ‘Car Club’, membership networks you with hundreds of enthusiasts, who share the same interests, have a lot of knowledge, they care about the integrity of the club and who might know where you can reliably find the car or parts you want.
  • 3. Ask for references. Ask the seller/ dealer for names of other customers, who have bought from him/her for reviews of their service.
  • 4. Inspect the vehicle. Ask specific questions about the car that require more than a "Yes or No" answer. Don't bother dealing with someone who cannot answer your questions, or who refuses to show you or your representative the car details prior to payment. Be very wary of a seller asking for immediate payment or payment to a third party/location. Remember, the scammers are out there, they’re clever and persuasive, they might seem very nice, but if it sounds odd or unconventional then stay clear.
  • 5. Professional help. For large purchases, consider hiring an appraiser or someone else to look at the car for you, if you can't go to see them yourself, or join you and view together.
  • 6. Get it in writing! Discuss and write down what will happen if the car is received and not to the customer's satisfaction, or as described in the advert;
    • Can the vehicle be returned for a full refund?
    • What is the time limit/window for return?
    • Who will pay for return shipping?
    • Is there a time/trouble fee?
  • 7. Deposit, Again, get it in writing! If you decide not to buy, what happens to your deposit? Normally, if deposit is made in advance of viewing and the buyer decides not to purchase, he will receive the entire deposit back unless he has imposed a burden on the advertiser/seller. If a burden has been imposed, advertiser may be entitled to keep some or all of the deposit.
  • 8. You choose the payment option. It can always be a risk to send people money, if you feel unsure, we recommend using an escrow service. There are many online services for reasonable fees, we prefer
  • 9. If you encounter problems with sellers who have advertised on, please let us know so we learn of unreliable advertisers, in order to keep our buyers safe, we keep a database of such sellers. If you have a complaint about an advertiser send an e-mail with the particulars including the date of the transaction, amount, item purchased, and outcome to date to [email protected]


The Sunday Times - Driving

SAGA Magazine

Tom Parrott